Your Company’s Place In The UX Maturity Hierarchy

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User Experience also known as UX. It encompasses all aspects of end-user communications with the company, its services and its products. It is very important for a long-term business success. Now imagine what if your company’s CEO or upper management doesn’t feel or doesn’t go your way. Now you want to explain to them that why is UX important for them. Before investing your time, energy and money in investing your case in UX, first assess the level of UX maturity in the hierarchy. The willingness to adopt User Experience practices and making it an integral part of the business function are used to measure the level of UX maturity in the hierarchy. Where does your company fit in?

Unrecognized: User experience is considered not so important for the company and is treated as an unnecessary effort in the business. You have to work hard to convince your top management and they have to value its worth.

Interested: Your Company knows the meaning of UX and is genuinely interested, but there are many hurdles that a company has to overcome like Time, resources, etc stopping full investment.

Invested: UX is an important part and your company knows it and it is an important part of your business. Various user-centered processes are usually formalized across all your teams and you have started making a strong case for adopting UX in your whole company.

Committed: In this type, UX is very important and the upper management is also actively involved.

Engaged: In this type, User Experience plays as a core component in your overall business strategy.

Embedded: UX is present in every element of your company and whatever it does. Your company lives and breathes UX.

 So, on which particular level your company is listed? If you think your company is not on the desired level and wishes to progress to the other, find out which strategy will work the best for you in giving management more reasons to invest in User Experience.




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